Birthmark Removal Treatment in Kolkata

For birth mark removal in Kolkata, trust Elation as your go-to clinic for safe and effective treatments!

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What is Birthmark Removal Treatment?

Birthmark removal treatment refers to various procedures used to reduce or eliminate visible birthmarks, which are often congenital skin marks. The treatment chosen depends on the birthmark's type, size, location, and characteristics.

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When Should You Consult Us for Birthmark Removal?

Our Skin & Hair treatment clinic in Kolkata, with its extensive experience and expertise, is a trusted destination for birthmark removal treatment. Here are some reasons you should consider contacting us.

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Birthmark Removal Treatment Procedure

The different procedures used for birthmark removal treatment are as follows:

A topical numbing cream or local anesthesia may be applied to the area to minimize discomfort. We use a specialized laser to target the birthmark, whether it's pigmented (like moles) or vascular (such as hemangiomas). The laser works by breaking up the pigment in the skin or targeting blood vessels. Treatment usually takes anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the birthmark.

No anesthesia is usually required, although topical numbing agents may be applied if needed. A cryoprobe or liquid nitrogen is applied to the birthmark to freeze and destroy the abnormal tissue. This process causes the skin cells to slough off over time. The procedure is usually quick, taking just a few minutes.

Our specialists use a scalpel to cut out the birthmark. If it's a mole or a more extensive birthmark, we may also need to remove some surrounding healthy tissue to ensure complete removal. The wound is closed with stitches, which may be dissolvable or require removal in a few days to weeks. The procedure can take 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the size and location of the birthmark.

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Benefits of Birthmark Removal Treatment

Let's explore the numerous benefits of birthmark removal treatment, from preventing potential health risks to improving skin health and providing long-term results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Laser treatment duration depends on the birthmark's size, type, and location. Usually, multiple sessions are required for complete removal, each lasting from a few minutes to an hour.

Laser birthmark removal is generally well-tolerated, but you may feel discomfort, such as a mild stinging or snapping sensation, especially for pigmented birthmarks.

Recovery time depends on the treatment method. There is minimal downtime for laser treatment, with most people able to return to normal activities immediately, though they may experience some redness or swelling for a few days. For surgical excision, recovery may take a few weeks, and there may be a need for stitches and care to avoid infection.

In most cases, wholly removed birthmarks, especially with surgery or laser treatment, do not grow back. However, some birthmarks, such as vascular ones, may require multiple treatments to fade or disappear entirely. It’s essential to follow up with the doctor to ensure complete removal.

Certain birthmarks are more common in individuals with darker skin, while others can occur in people of any skin type.